Friday, March 27, 2015


This TLC is waiting in a waiting room to be picked up and brighten someone's day!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Hurricane WV

Per request, this set of Tangled Little Cards are on their way to  Hurricane WV

From the city's website it looks like an active little town.  From Wikipedia we have learned that it indeed is a little town -- population of approximately 6,300!  Check out those online sources for some interesting facts... like how the city got its name or to learn when the Hurricane Breeze (the local paper) began.  

It is fun to know where TLCs land; we wonder if one will find its way to the city's Caboose Museum?!

Thanks, Gayla, for the request and contributing to the Tangled Kindness Project! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Yoga Experience, Flagstaff AZ

This Tangled Little Card was left at the Yoga Experience in Flagstaff, AZ.

After a bit of zen doing yoga, who do you think ended their experience with this TLC?  What a great way to end a yoga experience!