Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Orleans Louisiana

My family recently visited New Orleans.  The city is so rich in history, culture, music, food -- we certainly could have stayed much longer.

Of the many highlights of our trip, one was exploring the cemeteries -- St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 and Lafayette Cemetery.  In the St. Louis Cemetery we found the tomb of Henry Plessy while in the Lafayette Cemetery we found the tomb of Judge Ferguson.  If those names don't ring a bell, think separate but equal... 

Can you find the Tangled Little Card at the Lafayette Cemetery?

Lafayette Cemetery, NOLA
Another highlight was riding the St. Charles Street Car.  Aside from being an efficient means of transportation, it is simply fun!

This Tangled Little Card was left on the street car for someone to find...

St. Charles Street Car, NOLA
 So, we left a little tangled kindness in New Orleans... I wonder who picked up the Tangled Little Cards?


Friday, January 10, 2014

This is how we do it...

I am so excited that this project is off and running!

Here is a sequence of tiles that when put together make up the perfect Tangled Little Card.

Front of card

Inside of card
Back of Card
If you have a tangled tile you would like to donate, please use the comment form on the blog.

Seattle WA

The first requested shipment of Tangled Little Cards are on their way to the Pacific Northwest!  Makes me excited to think of where they will be placed, who will find them, and what their reaction will be?!

Thank you Linda for the request; enjoy spreading the kindness!

The picture is a  little blurry but the Tangled Little Cards are bound to make someone smile!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Muse -- Ben's Bell

The idea for this project originated when my daughter found a Ben's Bell.    

We were returning library books to the outside drop box.  In a nearby tree my daughter noticed something hanging in the tree and inquired what's that.  It was a beautiful bell!  The note attached to the bell indicated that we should take it home and enjoy it.  To describe the overwhelming feeling of humanity is impossible!  She was overjoyed with her discovery and rather than wanting to take it home she suggested that it hang in her Nana and Grandpa Blue's garden -- after all it is a magical place, the perfect place for such a bell!  

Ben's Bell in Grandpa Blue and Nana's Garden.

Ben's Bell hanging in the garden... a beautiful place for a beautiful bell!

Finding the bell was the muse for this project.  The feelings of love and joy that finding this bell generated won't be forgotten and we want to contribute to spreading kindness in our own little tangled way.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mazatlan Mexico

This project hopes to share kindness all around the world via artist created little tangled cards!  It is our hope that we can document the location of card... a lofty goal!  This Tangled Kindness Card was placed in Mazatlan Mexico.

Little card strategically placed!

Tangled side of the card.

Quote on Every Little Card

On every little card there will be a quote... this is one of my favorite.

 "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
-- Desmund Tutu